Personal Trainer Stuttgart I yourprimecoach I Michael Barth

Your personal trainer
in Stuttgart


Get your free initial consultation
Michael Barth I Personal Trainer in Stuttgart

Your expert for your goals

How long have you been training and are you not getting the results you want? How often have you resolved to change something? Have you tried a number of different diets and forms of nutrition, but none of them have worked in the long term? Do you simply lack the necessary knowledge on how to go about it properly?

Then it is time to get professional help.
You won’t find any run-of-the-mill training here, but rather holistic, professional training support.

Be it weight reduction, muscle building, better fitness, further rehabilitation or more performance:

“With my individual personal training concept, I help you to achieve your personal goals in the long term.”

Michael Barth
Personal Trainer Stuttgart & Sports Scientist

Get your free initial consultation

Why personal training with yourprimecoach?

There are numerous personal trainers, fitness studios and outdoor training options in Stuttgart. Choosing what is right for you can often be difficult if you don’t know the differences between the training methods and the quality of the offer.

At yourprimecoach you can expect more than just standardized fitness training. I offer you:

  • Individual support based on scientifically sound methods.
  • Tailor-made training plans and programs.
  • Supervision by a qualified and experienced trainer.
  • Personal nutritional advice and nutritional strategies.
  • Private training in an exclusive personal fitness studio.
Read more
Split Squats als Beinübung im Personal Training in Stuttgart

Personal training success stories

Sustainable successes of my customers in pictures

Body fat percentage before: 23.3%
Body fat percentage after: 11.1 % (-12.2 %)
Weight loss: 19.1 kg

Body fat percentage before: 19.6
Body fat percentage after: 13.2 % (-6.4 %)
Weight loss: 9.6 kg

Body fat percentage before: 16.8
Body fat percentage after: 13.4 % (-3.4 %)
Lean mass before: 67.1 kg
Lean mass after: 69.9 kg (+2.8 kg)

Take a look at the detailed interviews and references:

View references

Arrange your initial consultation now!

Are you interested in personal training with yourprimecoach? Then make an appointment for an initial consultation.

Tell me about your goals and requirements and let me help you as your personal trainer.

Get your free initial consultation

Your benefits at a glance:

Training des oberen Rückens durch Face pulls im Personal Training

Your personal training program in Stuttgart

The first step is the initial check to analyze your current fitness level and plan the best course of action for you.

The check-up includes:

  • Medical history/health questionnaire
  • Skin fold measurement
  • Body analysis
  • Mobility tests
  • Muscle function tests
  • Objectives and needs analysis

” The person who fails to plan, plans to fail.”
Benjamin Franklin

About the Check-up

More than just fitness training

Proper personal training means providing you with holistic support. In addition to training and nutrition, sufficient sleep, your habits and your lifestyle also play a decisive role in your success.

Because it’s not just the sport or the exercise itself that will get you to your goal.

As an experienced personal trainer & sports scientist, I will help you optimize these aspects to achieve long-term results.

So if you want more than just fitness training, then you’ve come to the right place.

Find out more about me
Personal Krafttraining in Stuttgart | Langhantel Kniebeuge mit dem Personal Trainer

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Gezieltes Rückentraining im Personal Training mit Michael Barth

Sustainable success with personal training

The focus is not just on your short-term success, but on sustainable change. In addition to your goal, your training programs also take individual muscular and structural aspects into account. This allows you to make the best progress.

In addition to fitness training, your diet and lifestyle play an important role in making progress. Based on the YPSI skin fold measurement, we can draw precise conclusions about the right approach for you to achieve the greatest possible success here too.

In addition to personal training and the creation of a training plan, you will also receive individual nutritional advice and targeted supplement recommendations.

Convince yourself of my training concept. Because no other form of training support offers you similar, long-term success as professional personal training!

Start now with your personal trainer in Stuttgart

When you learn something new, you won’t be an expert in this field at the beginning. This requires time to consolidate the knowledge learned and it must be applied in practice. As an experienced personal trainer in Stuttgart, I specialize in the following areas:

  • Body fat reduction and weight loss
  • Muscle building and strength training
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Sport-specific athletic training

The cost of a good personal trainer depends on how often or how regularly you need my services and support.
You can find out more about the prices here.

Bankdrücken mit Michael Barth in Stuttgart


That’s what my customers say on Google:

yourprimecoach - Personal Training Stuttgart Iconyourprimecoach - Personal Training Stuttgart

Kriegerstraße 3, Stuttgart

4.9 68 reviews

  • Avatar Johannes Pokorny ★★★★★ vor einer Woche
    Super Trainer, der einem ganzheitlich (von Ernährung zu Sport, Schlaf, usw.) und zugleich individuell das perfekte Trainingsprogramm erstellt und auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse top eingeht. Langfristiger und nachhaltiger Erfolg ist definitiv … More gegeben (die Umsetzung muss man halt trotzdem immer noch selbst machen😉)!
  • Avatar Stefan ★★★★★ vor 3 Monaten
    Michael ist ein sehr kompetenter Trainer, der alle Übungen/Ernährungstipps sehr freundlich und geduldig erklärt. Mit seiner Hilfe konnte ich meine Ziele (Fettabbau/Muskelaufbau) super erreichen. Klare Empfehlung für alle, die im Raum Stuttgart … More einen Personaltrainer suchen.
  • Avatar Maximilian Schmitt ★★★★★ vor 4 Monaten
    Ich trainiere seit rund 3 Monaten bei Michael und könnte nicht zufriedener sein. Sein Ansatz ist klar, strukturiert und maßgeschneidert auf meine Bedürfnisse – besonders im Hinblick auf Regelmäßigkeit, klare Ziele und die Reduktion von … More Gewicht trotz eines anspruchsvollen Arbeitsalltags und hoher Stressbelastung. Durch die wöchentlichen Sessions und detaillierten Guides tauchen wir tief in verschiedene Themen ein und messen alle vier Wochen meinen Fortschritt, was mir hilft, mein körperliches Wohlbefinden zu steigern und meine Gesundheit nachhaltig zu verbessern.
    Michael bringt nicht nur enorm viel Fachwissen mit, sondern auch eine besondere Fähigkeit, mich zu motivieren und meine Grenzen im Training zu erweitern. Die Kombination aus effizientem Training und seiner Unterstützung hat dafür gesorgt, dass ich nicht nur körperlich, sondern auch mental gewachsen bin. Ich kann das Training mit ihm jedem empfehlen, der wirklich nachhaltige Erfolge erzielen will und freue mich auf weitere Einheiten!
  • Avatar Nikolaos Baltsios ★★★★★ vor einem Monat
    Michael transportiert seine 1A-Ausbildung enorm gut in die Praxis; jede Trainingsminute wird gewissenhaft und effizient gestaltet. Durch seinen zielorientierten und ganzheitlichen Blick, der insb. auch die Ernährung umfasst, profitiere … More ich von jeder einzelnen Einheit. Danke!
  • Avatar Martin Graf ★★★★★ vor 3 Monaten
    Sehr gute und sehr kompetente Beratung und Betreuung. In den ersten 10 Wochen deutlich Körpergewicht reduziert. Die körperliche Fitness und Beweglichkeit gesteigert. Professionelle Beratung auch zur Ernährung und Steigerung der körperlichen … More Belastungsfähigkeit. Kann jedem das Training mit Herrn Michael Barth nur empfehlen.
  • Avatar Moe ★★★★★ vor 3 Wochen
    Ich bin schon eine ganze Weile hier im Coaching und muss sagen, ich habe mich bisher immer wohl gefühlt! Ich finde es ist wichtig, dass der vibe passt und hier ist es wirklich toll! Man hat auch echt viele Möglichkeiten zu trainieren und … More hat seine Privatsphäre. Vielen Dank Micha!
  • Avatar Magdalena ★★★★★ vor 9 Monaten
    Das Training mit Michael ist absolut wertvoll. Die Einheiten sind abwechslungsreich, kurzweilig und herausfordernd. Mit seiner ruhigen, sachlichen und angenehmen Art motiviert mich Michael auf dem Weg zu meinem individuellen Trainingsziel. … More Das Studio ist sehr schön und liegt super zentral. Besonders positiv hervorheben kann ich noch seine Guides zu den Themen Ernährung, Schlaf, Gesundheit und das Intervalltraining.
  • Avatar Julian Gabler ★★★★★ vor 8 Monaten
    Das individuelle Trainingsprogramm von Michael hat mir in kürzester Zeit geholfen, meine Beschwerden wie Rücken- und Schulterschmerzen loszuwerden. Allein dafür, hat es sich bisher mehr als gelohnt! Sehr empfehlenswert und TOP auf den jeweiligen … More Menschen zugeschnitten! Kann es nur weiterempfehlen!
  • Avatar O G ★★★★★ vor 8 Monaten
    Michael Barth ist als Trainer ist äußerst kompetent und motivierend. Durch seine individuell abgestimmten Trainingspläne und professionelle Betreuung habe ich meine Fitnessziele schneller erreicht, als ich es je für möglich gehalten hätte. … More Seine positive Einstellung und Unterstützung machen jedes Training zu einer Freude!
  • Avatar Jeannine Urban ★★★★★ vor 10 Monaten
    Ich verlasse das Personal Training immer mit einem Lächeln und mit einem richtig guten Gefühl. Michael zeigt mir meine Grenzen und bringt mich dazu, diese auch zu überschreiten. Vor allem mache ich Übungen, auf die ich alleine nie gekommen … More wäre. Ob ich wohl je wieder den gewöhnlichen Geräte-Zirkel in meinem Fitnessstudio mache? I doubt it 😜. Dead Lifts, Hanteln und Schrägbänke sind jetzt mein Revier. Nebenbei lerne ich wahnsinnig viel über Ernährung und verbessere stetig meinen Lebensstil. Die gemeinsamen Stunden helfen mir am Thema Fitness & Wohlbefinden dranzubleiben und meine persönliche Weiterentwicklung im Blick zu haben. Freue mich schon auf den Moment, wenn ich mein “Körperfettanteilziel” erreicht habe 💪🏼.


Due to the current oversupply of personal trainers, fitness coaches or nutritionists, with hundreds of different opinions, it is often difficult for those who want to make use of the service to distinguish quality from nonsense.

Even a weekend seminar turns an amateur athlete into a licensed “personal/fitness trainer”, as this is not a protected name/term.

So what can you expect from personal training with me?

  • Real measurable and visible results with a high quality standard. Be it weight reduction, muscle building, rehabilitation/pain reduction or more fitness.
  • Coaching by an experienced personal trainer and qualified sports scientist and nutritionist who regularly undergoes further education to help you make the best progress.
  • Targeted and individual strategies for your training, nutrition and sleep to get you closer to your goal quickly.
  • A top-equipped personal training gym and a motivating atmosphere that offers you personal peak performance and progress.

As a personal trainer, I am there to help you achieve your goals. I have acquired the relevant knowledge for this over the years and am constantly educating myself.

These years of experience coupled with the relevant know-how, which other personal trainers may not have due to a lack of experience, insufficient training or a lack of empathy, make a huge difference if you want to achieve success.

Honest and open communication is important for your progress and success. This sometimes requires direct words that you may not want to hear or be able to implement straight away, but which are guaranteed to help you move forward as soon as you start with it. Because it’s about a positive change for you.

And I will help you with that!

The personal training package includes everything you need to achieve your goals in the best possible way. This includes:

  • Personal 1 to 1 support
  • Also possible as 2 to 1 personal training
  • Private training exclusively at the personal training gym in Stuttgart
  • Training plan creation and further training plans for your own training
  • Regular skin fold measurement to determine body composition
  • Individual nutritional advice/nutritional coaching and supplement protocols
  • Filtered water and towel service during training

Why the cost of a personal trainer is worth it

First of all: You can find all the important information about the prices here.

What you should know:
The cost of personal training depends on how often or how regularly you need my services and support.

Why the investment pays off:

  1. Individual support: Tailor-made training plans, adapted to your goals.
  2. Efficiency: Effective units, time savings, faster progress.
  3. Motivation: Regular training through mandatory training sessions and therefore more progress.
  4. Safety: correct technique, injury prevention, optimized training.
  5. Achieving goals: Setting realistic goals and making progress.
  6. Variety: exercise variation and learning new methods.
  7. Avoid plateaus: Through training programs that build on each other.
  8. Health: disease prevention and long-term fitness.
  9. Nutritional advice: support for holistic results.
  10. Specialist knowledge: sport-specific training, mental strengthening.

I would be happy to arrange a free and non-binding initial consultation with you to get to know you and discuss your concerns.

If you can answer yes to at least one of the following questions, then targeted and success-oriented personal training is the right thing for you:

    • Do you have a lot of time and/or work commitments but want to achieve the best possible results?
    • You already go to the gym, but you don’t have a real plan on how to train and make progress?
    • Do you lack the necessary knowledge of what you must/can do to achieve your goals?
    • Have you already tried various training and nutritional approaches, but nothing has really led to the desired results?
    • Social media, influencers and fitness “trendsetters” with countless different opinions, approaches and advice only confuse you even more?

The training takes place exclusively in the top-equipped personal training studio in Stuttgart, PTA Center, Kriegerstraße 3.  With the equipment  available here we can train optimally and bring you closer to your goal effectively and without detours.

Unfortunately not, and for good reason:

Personal training is an individual service that can only be provided on the basis of personal analysis and planning.

If I do a random trial training session with you, neither you nor I will be helped, because afterwards we won’t know anything except that you might have enjoyed it. It also doesn’t meet my high quality standards, which I want to offer all my customers. 

The first step is to find out where I can pick you up, what your problems or complaints are and how I can help you achieve your goals. A trial training session that doesn’t take all these factors into account won’t help you and me. 

Before we do the first personal training session, I have already looked at all these factors in advance.
The initial check, which is a mandatory first appointment, is the most sensible way to find out where you currently stand and to plan the best course of action for you.

However, you are welcome to arrange a free initial consultation with me in advance, where we can answer all your questions.

Workout with a professional personal trainer:

  • The trainer is a full-time professional and has excellent knowledge and training
  • Professional & individual customer care
  • Goal-oriented adaptation of the training to the individual performance level
  • Training on several devices possible, without waiting/occupancy times
  • Fixed training dates for motivation – no excuses not to train!
  • Individual skin fold measurement, nutritional advice and supplement recommendations
  • No membership fee or other “hidden” costs!

Workout at the gym

  • The trainer usually does not work full-time (part-time, €400 basis, BA student, trainee) and/or does not have in-depth knowledge and expertise
  • No individual 1-to-1 member support possible
  • Prefabricated training plans & lack of adaptation to individual needs
  • Often long waiting times for training devices
  • No fixed training dates and therefore a lack of motivation for the training itself
  • No holistic support beyond the pure fitness training
  • Monthly or weekly membership fee with any additional costs (care flat rate, flat rate for drinks, additional sales)

The location: yourprimecoach personal trainer in Stuttgart

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