Personal Training – Before & After Interview Tobias

Tell us a little about yourself and your everyday life:
My job in international human resources means that I am often at the mercy of sedentary work. I try to follow a balanced diet, but unfortunately I often miss out on exercise, especially on very long days.

The choice of food in our canteen was also always a major challenge for me.

Why did you choose the Before and After program?
As I was personally very dissatisfied with my physical development and wanted to make a permanent change to my habits and lifestyle, I spoke to Michael about the possibilities of personal training to achieve my goals. Then I decided to go this way with him.

What motivated you to start the fitness program and see it through?
I wanted to achieve a complete change in my negative habits and thus pursue several goals. A better state of fitness, body fat reduction and more balance.

The optimal combination of nutrition, training and regeneration was always very difficult for me to combine. Especially after work and long days, I often ate whatever I felt like eating and there were plenty of excuses.

The biggest motivator was the continuous progress I was able to achieve with Michael’s guidance, as well as the first tangible and visible results of the change. The opportunity to ask Michael for advice on everyday issues (e.g. shopping planning) has always given me a boost. I was also motivated by the training plan, which was tailored exactly to my needs, without having the feeling that the training was going in the wrong direction. The initial successes motivated me more and more to take the next steps and achieve better results day after day. But of course the beginning in particular was not easy and demanded a clear focus on my goals and a tough discipline to actually implement the plans and advice and bring them to life.

Which sport(s) did you do before the personal training program?
I played soccer actively for over 20 years and unfortunately had to give it up due to my job. I also went to the gym (un)regularly.

How did your sleep change during the program?
This change surprised and convinced me the most.

The overall program has improved my sleep so much that I sleep for 8 hours straight, wake up independently before my alarm clock and am fit as a fiddle in the morning. I used to think that I was just a “morning grouch” and that I needed to “get going” to start the day. Thanks to the personal training program, I have noticed that I not only sleep better and am fitter in the morning, but that I am also more focused and more efficient in everyday life (work / sport).

What were the biggest changes you noticed during the program?
Of course, the physical changes were visible and I also received encouragement from my fellow human beings. However, I found the positive effects on my entire daily rhythm, as described above, much more important. In addition, I have improved the appearance of my skin, become more resistant to stress, have a very strong sense of balance, a strong awareness of healthy eating and have actually regained the desire to do sport and develop my body. I am more adventurous, happier and not only feel very well physically, I like my state of mind even better 🙂

What was the biggest change for you?
Actually going to train in the morning before work. I was used to doing sport in the evenings (when I got around to it). But getting up early, going to train and then having a whole working day ahead of me wasn’t easy for me, especially at the beginning, and it really put a strain on my discipline.

What has become your favorite breakfast?
Clearly, stremel salmon with vegetables! There is simply nothing better!

How often and for how long did you train each week?
I did 4 strength sessions per week, each lasting 45-60 minutes.

What is your favorite exercise?
That also surprised me extremely. They have actually become squats. At the beginning I cursed and hated this exercise. But with proper instruction from Michael and the necessary little help, I now love this exercise, because it’s an exercise where you can just really step on the gas and push yourself to the limit.

How often have you done endurance training to reduce body fat?
To be honest, not even once.

What feedback have you received from those around you about the change in recent weeks?
At the beginning, I was met with a lack of understanding from those around me as to why I had “prescribed” myself a diet and training plan, why I was “stressing” about training in the morning, etc. Of course, these negative influences were another incentive for me personally. However, the initial changes gave me a lot of encouragement and even some “admiration”, as many colleagues are unable to muster this discipline for themselves. I was also asked why I am always in such a good mood, why I always have a smile on my face and why I can act calmly and composed in many situations. That was the best encouragement I could have received.

What’s next for you with personal training?
I have found what I was looking for – a change in my lifestyle towards a balanced and healthy diet. And that’s exactly what I want to maintain, because my biggest goal is to feel good in general. Nevertheless, I want to see where I can still develop my body and am now working on taking the next step through personal training.